Welding of boiler tubes

Orbimatic’s P20 weld head has been designed to enable the welding of boiler tubes fitted to tube sheets in heat exchangers. These heads allows this task to be carried out using a precision Orbital Welding Power Supply, such as the Orbimat C range. This means that not only is the rotation of the torch is consistent and the delivery of the welding current is also kept constant and can be varied around the circumference of the tube. The heads are controlled with closed loop servos and parameters are monitored 500 times per second to provide a precise and accurate control of the weld profile. The P20 can used for autogeneous welding or for applications requiring a additional filler material. The weld head can be fitted with a standard 4â€? (1 kg) mini spool of wire which is head to the weld area via a precision wire feed mechanism. It can be used for tubes which are flush, receded or protruding from the tube plate and the torch can be angled by up to 30 degrees.

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