Outokumpu is assessing options to build a new slag furnace in Tornio, Finland, and the company has initiated an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedure as a basis for decision making. The prerequisites for realizing the project, details of the planned slag furnace and its technical execution as well as potential financing alternatives will be specified during the planning process.
The planned unique production facility would produce ferrochrome-nickel (FeCrNi) alloy from slag and side streams primarily from production processes in Tornio. The slag furnace would enable efficient utilization of various side streams, which would improve the resource efficiency of Outokumpu’s production significantly. The new slag furnace would be the most energy-efficient ferrochrome-nickel alloy producer in the world, as energy consumption in the new facility would be 30% lower than in the current ferrochrome production processes enabled by the new metallurgical process invented by Outokumpu. Furthermore, the new facility would strengthen Outokumpu’s competitiveness in the global ferrochrome market.
The final decision regarding the new facility will be made at the earliest during 2020.