MetalMiner has long been a hub for daily global metals market news coverage. The industrial metals research firm now has launched its MetalMiner Insights platform, uniquely combining historic and current metals pricing with its forecasting and data analysis capability, to help industrial buying organizations make better metals buying decisions.
The user-friendly platform includes full interactive charting of current and historic metals prices (in different currencies); forecasting with tangible buying recommendations; cost savings diagnostic; correlation analysis; interactive dashboard with optional pricing data feeds; and bid and RQF templates for supplier negotiations.
Designed for metals buyers, it contains a broad range of ferrous and non-ferrous, minor and precious metal prices from the United States, mainland Europe, China, South Korea, Japan, and India. The platform also contains pricing from the London Metals Exchange (LME), CME Group (Comex, Nymex) and RMDAS (carbon steel scrap). The platform presents all prices with both charting and historical data capability.