Get a complete picture

Orbimatic’s ORBIMAT C range of orbital TIG welding power supplies provides a total picture of the job. They automatically calculate welding parameters and give a detailed description of the procedure. This equipment is leading the way for the future of Orbital Welding Equipment. Operators enter material type, gas used, outside diameter and wall thickness and at the press of a button all welding parameters are entered into the procedure. The machine then stores a full Welding Procedure, which includes material types, gas type, gas flow rates, tungsten electrode diameter, grind angle and type and consumables used. There are also two description lines which allow procedure specific details to be stored within the procedure. For Applications which require a weld map, with corresponding data log files the ORBIMAT C power supplies will monitor the weld 500 times per second and produce log files which include weld deviations to two decimal places. These log files can be printed on the internal printer or stored on a standard PC Card for easy transfer to a PC. The ORBIPORT software then allows these log files to be presented in a Microsoft Work or Excel report. The ORBIMAT C power supplies are easy to use with a large display, simple menu system and well-designed keypad.

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