Bonderite C-CP for eco friendly SS pickling

The Bonderite C-CP technology from Henkel for pickling of stainless steel is well-known for the diverse cost and environmental benefits it offers.

Stainless steel strip coil, wire and tubes, as well as welded products, can all be treated as can titanium.

Formulations developed by Henkel for removing oxide layers formed during the rolling, annealing and welding of stainless steel stand out from classical mixed-acid pickling systems because they do not use nitric acid so waste water contains no nitrates, which are difficult and costly to remove before the water can be returned to the river or sea.

Furthermore, no unhealthy nitrous (NOx) fumes are created during the Bonderite C-CP process.

The newest Henkel product Bonderite C-CP LF2 is not only totally free of nitric acid, but also very low in hydrofluoric acid. Also it has a reduced etching effect that on the bare metal once the oxide has been removed.

Bonderite C-CP LF2 also lasts over twice as long since the dissolution of the base alloy is reduced to a minimum. Overall there is an important reduction in the costs of the pickling process.

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