Ammonia plant bids

Chilean explosives company Enaex could call for bids in March 2003 for the construction of a USD 120–130 million ammonia plant at Mejillones in Chile’s Region II, Enaex CEO Camilo Sandoval has said. “We are carrying out a feasibility study, and we should make a decision by March,” Sandoval said. Chilean gas transporter and power generator GasAtacama will supply 100% of the natural gas for the plant, which will be shipped from Bolivia or Argentina, Sandoval said. Construction of the plant will take 24–26 months with operations starting in 2005, Sandoval said. The plant will produce 400,000 tons of ammonia, most of which will supply Enaex’s new Prillex America ammonium-nitrate plant in Mejillones, and some would be exported. Other Enaex explosives plants in northern Chile are Rio Loa and La Chimba, and the company has a further plant in Peru near Arequipa.

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