Vessels and pipes for paper mill

BUTTING Schwedt has supplied LEIPA Georg Leinfelder GmbH with 120 vessels and 71 kilometres of pipes for a new paper machine, which will double the paper-
making capacities in Schwedt. The annual requirement of this mill amounts to about 700,000 tons of waste paper. The process vessels are for the treatment of pulp and for the paper machines. A total of 120 stainless steel vessels were supplied, most of which could be installed in one piece after a high degree of prefabrication. A further order was placed for the construction of a water tower 30 metres high and with a volume of 3000 cubic metres. For this order alone 500 tons of stainless steels were produced. The pipe systems consisted of about 71 kilometres of stainless steel pipes weighing about 855 tons, and three kilometres of carbon steel pipes with a weight of 130 tons. The longitudinally welded stainless steel pipes had all been produced in the mill in Knesebeck. – BUTTING Schwedt has also been awarded an order from Holmen Paper Madrid SL to install pipes in the new paper machine (PM 62). About 300 tons of stainless steel pipes and 100 tons of fixings will be supplied. Production start is scheduled for the first quarter of 2006.

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