Safe transport of hot gases and vapors at temperatures of up to 850°C – is an important requirement for manufacturers of components for the process industry. They can always rely on austenitic stainless steel 1.4550 / 347H to fulfill this requirement. To meet the increasing demand, Ugitech has added UGI® 4550 to their broad stainless portfolio and is thus one of only three suppliers in Europe.
Steam lines, superheater tubes as well as exhaust systems in reciprocating engines and gas turbines are classic applications for Ugitech’s UGI® 4550. The addition of Niobium makes the finished steel grades ideal for temperature ranges between 425°C and 850°C. UGI® 4550 inhibits the formation of chromium carbide precipitates at the grain boundaries and thus stops intergranular corrosion. The stainless product is optimum for parts for which treatment of the material after welding is not feasible such as expansion joints and equipment for chemical processing at high temperatures. UGI® 4550 is also readily formed at room temperature and is very easy to weld. This means no hot cracking after welding. Good creep resistance and resistance to atmospheric corrosion and oxidation at high temperatures further increase process reliability.