Tag: sewage

FMDA approves INR 2,600 Cr development projects

FMDA approves INR 2,600 Cr development projects

The Faridabad Metropolitan Development Authority (FMDA) has approved development projects for drinking water and drainage

Käppala and Kemira invest in sludge treatment

The Käppala Association in Stockholm and Kemira have entered into a licensing agreement for Kemicond, a new method for reducing sludge volumes and enhancing sludge quality.

Italian water projects

Stainless steel is playing a crucial role in some recent water-related projects in northern Italy.

Bechtel lands Iraqi contracts

The US Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced the award of a multi-million dollar Iraq emergency infrastructure repair and rehabilitation contract to San Francisco, California-based Bechtel.

Lurgi to supply Austrian plant

Lurgi Energie und Entsorgung GmbH (Ratingen, Germany) has won the order for the supply and construction of the combustion part of a residue processing and sewage sludge incineration plant designed to produce district heat for Vienna, Fernwärme Wien/WSO4.