Italian water projects

Stainless steel is playing a crucial role in some recent water-related projects in northern Italy, according to the March issue of “Inossidabile” (no. 155). Following a flood in 2000, the village of Nus (Val d’Aosta) has rebuilt its water network. The new design uses stainless steel pipes inside two new water tanks. All the parts inside the tanks, including pipes, ladders and conduits for electric cables, are made of EN 1.4301 (AISI 304). For the pipes connecting the level control valves, EN 1.4401 (AISI 306) was used. – The acqueduct network of Bascapè, in the province of Pavia, has been equipped with a water purification system that uses ozonisation treatment, a series of filters and chlorination of the water. Stainless steel EN 1.4301 was chosen for the pipes and fittings as it offered the required resistance to corrosion by agents dissolved in the water and those introduced during treatment. – EN 1.4301 and EN 1.4541 (AISI 321) were selected for the expansion of a purification plant in Pieve di Ledro, which serves four villages in the province of Trento. The expansion provides for new reservoirs for treating liquid sewage.

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