Tag: sensors
mecorad expands its business in the United States
mecorad has registered its business in the United States.
The idea to enter the American and Canadian market has developed and was planned over the...
Thermowells protect sensors in aggressive environments
A thermowell is a fitting designed to protect sensors when they are installed in aggressive environments in industrial applications.
Pressure sensor for sanitary use
The new 1700/1701 range of sensors from Gems Sensors features an integral diaphragm made of AISI 316 stainless steel.
Corrosion-resistant sensors
Titan Enterprises (UK) offers rugged sensors in corrosion-resistant engineering plastics or stainless for up to 0.5" line size, and 30 litres per minute flow.
One-piece pressure sensor stands the heat
Sequoia is to offer a new generation of compact, high-level output, 0-5V DC pressure transducers, with built-in electronics and an operating temperature up to 120C.
Stack gas flow measurement without moving parts
Torbar has introduced the SG3000 gas flow system to measure the mass flow of exhaust from chimneys and stacks up to 10m in diameter to help operators ensure that pollution levels are maintained within prescribed limits.
Parker’s thin-film sensor
Parker Filter Division Europe has announced the introduction of the new âPerformerâ? range of ASIC transducers and transmitters which use the very latest in thin film sensor technology.
Extreme temperature sensors
A new range of thin-film technology pressure sensors can handle from –40 to 200C while using standard electronics to keep the price more conventional.
Corrocean to deliver sensors for Gulf of Mexico fi
CorrOcean has won a contract for the delivery of Subsea Sand Erosion and Pressure/Temperature Sensors for the ultra deep Canyon Express field development in the Gulf of Mexico.