Corrocean to deliver sensors for Gulf of Mexico fi

CorrOcean has won a contract for the delivery of Subsea Sand Erosion and Pressure/Temperature Sensors for the ultra deep Canyon Express field development in the Gulf of Mexico. Intec engineering in Houston has performed the FEED and the detail engineering for the Canyon Express Development. The development consists of three fields, Aconcagua, King’s Peak and Camden Hills. The operator of the project is TotalElf with its major partners, BP and Marathon. Peak gas production of the three fields will be approximately 500M CFD. A gathering system consisting of dual 12-inch flowlines will transport the gas from three fields approximately 55 miles tot the newly built Canyon Station. The deepest water of the Canyon Express is found at Camden Hills with a water depth of approximately 7250 feet, making this the deepest gas production field in the world. Apart from the record water depth, one of the major challenges for this development was the Flow Assurance and Operability of the production gathering system. The Canyon Express system must be able to produce the three fields under different operating regimes and varying production rates from multiple zone completions without any field taking on he performance risk of another field. Accurate flow allocation is therefore essential;, which resulted in the use of subsea flow metres at each of the subsea gas production wells. By using the CorrOcean Sensor PT pressure and temperature sensors in the field have the capability built into the system to utilise flow allocation systems, such as Idun, based on input from pressure and temperature readings in the well and production trees.

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