Tag: refinery
Yanbu refinery units
Saudi Arabian Oil Co. (Aramco) has awarded a turnkey contract to Snamprogetti SPA's British subsidiary Snamprogetti Ltd to build two new units at Aramco's Yanbu refinery in Saudi Arabia.
Antipodean boiler
Alstom has been awarded a contract by Alcan Gove Pty Ltd of Australia (formerly Nabalco), to supply an oil-fired boiler also designed for future gas conversion.
TotalFinaElf contract
Technip-Coflexip has won a contract from TotalFinaElf for the design and construction of a gasoline hydrotreating unit for its refinery at Antwerp, Belgium.
Air Liquide for Shell
Air Liquide has signed a contract to supply the Shell Oil Products Anacortes, Washington refinery site with hydrogen.
BP strategic partnership in Russia
BP and the Alfa Group and Access-Renova (AAR) have agreed to combine their interests in Russia to create the country's third biggest oil and gas business, in which they will each have a 50% stake.
Iran and Pakistan set up refinery
Pakistan and Iran are setting up a joint venture refinery near Karachi, at Hub in Balochistan.
Hydrogen plant at Illinois refinery
BOC has begun construction on a new hydrogen plant at CITGO Petroleum Corp.'s Lemont, Ill., oil refinery.
Power at the mouth of the Rhine
InterGen has announced the financial close of the Rijnmond Energy Centre, a 790-MW natural gas-fired, combined heat and power facility located in an industrial zone of Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Korean refinery upgrade with samplers
Three Jiskoot inline auto sampling systems, made from 304 stainless steel, were chosen for installation at the Yosu Refinery in Korea by the LG Caltex Oil Corporation, replacing the existing system and providing higher sampler reliability and repeatability.
French refinery project
Foster Wheeler France will perform engineering, procurement and construction management services for Esso Société Anonyme Française, ExxonMobil's affiliate company at its Port-Jerome Gravenchon refinery in Normandy.