Tag: power generation
Arizona’s first “dry” merchant power plant
Reliant Energy Wholesale Group, a unit of Reliant Resources, has announced plans to build a combined-cycle generating facility in Arizona near its recently completed Desert Basin facility in Pinal County.
Diesel-driven generators
Ingersoll-Rand Portable Power has launched a new range of GenPowerSource diesel-driven generators from 9 to 500 kVA prime power.
Lakewood peaking plant approved
The Lakewood Planning Board has approved the construction of a 500mw peaking power plant in the Lakewood Industrial Park.
Siemens Westinghouse supplies Brazilian plant
Siemens Westinghouse Power Corp. has secured a USD 200 million contract to provide power generation equipment for a major new plant in Brazil, the Orlando company has said.
Kinder Morgan plans new power generation
Kinder Morgan Power Company, a subsidiary of Houston-based Kinder Morgan Inc., is planning to construct ten natural gas-fired generation plants that represent approximately 5500mw of intermediate power.
AEP to build catalytic reduction system
American Electric Power plans to construct a new emission control system on one unit of its Muskingum River generating station near the communities of Waterford and Beverly, Ohio.
Fuelcell/microturbine power plant starts up
FuelCell Energy Inc. has commenced operations of a DFC/T(TM) power plant based on a 250 kW Direct FuelCell(R) integrated with a Capstone Turbine Corporation modified Model 330 Microturbine.
Alstom wins orders for three power plants
Alstom has won orders for three new combined cycle power plants at Perlis in Malaysia, at Al Hidd in Bahrain, and at Kwinana in Australia.
Selmer Skanska wins Tyin contract from Norsk
Norsk Hydro, the Norwegian energy and offshore group, has signed a letter of intent with Selmer Skanska, the Norwegian subsidiary of Skanska, the Swedish construction group.
CNOOC to developing Zhejiang gas market
CNOOC Ltd has announced that CNOOC, its parent, has signed an agreement with Zhejiang Energy Group Company Ltd to invest in a joint venture to develop an intra-province natural gas distribution network.