AEP to build catalytic reduction system

American Electric Power plans to construct a new emission control system on one unit of its Muskingum River generating station near the communities of Waterford and Beverly, Ohio. When in operation, the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system will reduce NOx emissions from the 585mw unit by approximately 85%. Construction is slated to begin within the month, and the installation is targeted for completion by May 2003. The Muskingum River Plant SCR unit represents an additional investment of USD 71.4 million by AEP in NOx reduction technology. Muskingum River Plant’s Unit 5 also is equipped with low-NOx burners. Since 1993, AEP has invested more than USD 160 million to instal low-NOx burners on its Midwestern power plants and has reduced NOx emission rates by approximately 30% through that effort.

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