Tag: nitrogen
Air Products to construct nitrogen plants in Groningen
Air Products and N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie held a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of three new nitrogen plants near Zuidbroek, Groningen.
Ugitech’s introduces UGIMA® 4116N stainless steel
Ugitech introduces a stainless steel, UGIMA® 4116N which is extremely hard, thanks to the addition of nitrogen, and much more resistant to corrosion than standard-grade steel as EN 1.
U of Birmingham creates antibacterial stainless
Materials scientists and engineers at the University of Birmingham have devised a method of making stainless steel surfaces resistant to bacteria. By introducing silver or copper into the steel surface, the team has developed a technique that they believe not only kills bacteria but is exceptionally hard and resistant to wear and tear during cleaning.
Air separation plant in Hungary
Linde AG has received another order from a Hungarian chemicals company for the supply of oxygen and nitrogen.
Praxair to supply nitrogen to Samsung
Praxair Inc. will supply ultra-high-purity nitrogen to Samsung Electronics' new manufacturing facility in Hwasung, Korea.
Linde Gas Division expands in China
Linde Gas Xiamen Ltd., the Chinese Group company of the Gas Division of Linde AG (Wiesbaden, Germany) is adding a third air separation unit to its complex in Xiamen, Fujian province, China.
Inert gas tank blanketing
Emerson Process Management has recently supplied several contracts with their Fisher tank blanketing regulators.
Linde expands east
Linde AG (Wiesbaden, Germany) is investing EUR 100 million in three new air separation plants in eastern Europe.
Super duplex pumps
Weir Pumps has won a multi-million dollar contract to replace existing pumps at the Cantarell nitrogen generation complex located in Ciduad del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico.
Finned tubes from Sandvik
Sandvik Steel has developed a production method for internally, longitudinally finned, cold-finished tubes for use as pyrolysis tubing in the demanding environment of ethylene furnaces.