Air Products to construct nitrogen plants in Groningen

Air Products and N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie held a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of three new nitrogen plants near Zuidbroek, Groningen. 
Construction of the nitrogen plants, to be in operation by mid-2022, is an essential building block of the cabinet’s plan to end gas extraction at its Groningen Field.
Air Products will build three plants for Gasunie to produce the nitrogen needed to meet the specification required in commercial and consumer applications throughout the country.
The installation of the nitrogen plants at Zuidbroek will cover approximately 12 hectares and has a capacity of 180,000 m3 of nitrogen per hour. This capacity is more than 10 times larger than the existing nitrogen plant at Zuidbroek.
Air Products’ LNG process technology and equipment is the heart of an LNG production plant. The technology takes natural gas and unlocks its value by liquifying it and making it possible to economically ship it. The LNG is eventually re-gasified for energy use. A majority of the total worldwide LNG is produced with Air Products’ technology.
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