Tag: energy

UK metals sector optimistic despite trade, energy & labour challenges

UK metals sector optimistic despite trade, energy & labour challenges

According to a report from the UK Metals Council, the sector faces challenges but has reasons to be optimistic.
Norwegian Ministry awards Trudvang license to Sval

Norwegian Ministry awards Trudvang license to Sval

The Trudvang license is located in the Norwegian North Sea. The reservoir itself is located in the Utsira Formation.
ACWA signs agreement with Uzbekistan Ministry of Energy

ACWA signs agreement with Uzbekistan Ministry of Energy

ACWA Power announced the signing of three new strategic agreements, potentially worth up to USD 2.5bn, with The Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan to amplify power generation and develop technical expertise.
DNV GL launches venture fund for the energy transition

DNV GL launches venture fund for the energy transition

DNV GL, the risk management and system assurance company, has launched a venture fund in response to the challenges of the “decade of transformations,â€? which will be defined by the energy transition and the fourth industrial revolution.
The NeSSIE project

NeSSIE helping to develop anti-corrosion solutions in offshore renewables

NeSSIE (North Sea Solutions for Innovation in Corrosion for Energy) is a project designed to tap into the existing knowledge of anti-corrosion technology / novel materials solutions in the maritime sector supply chain to develop demonstration projects for offshore renewables in the North Sea. The corrosion solutions, when developed and commercialised, will provide global growth and job creation opportunities in remote regions in the EU.
A wind park near Auxerre

Energy recycling: how wind power helps to keep the traffic moving

Until recently, green revolution in energy was held up by lack of storage, which meant that efficient electricity production depended on an impossibility; namely uninterrupted wind and sunshine. Conversely, the excess energy produced during strong wind or sunshine could not be stored for later use. Now a revolution in energy storage is occurring, and it is possible not only to store green energy but to convert it to other uses, in other words to recycle it.
The Hywind floating wind turbine farm in the North Sea incorporates energy storage from lithium-ion batteries. Depicted here

Lift-off: energy storage brings renewable energy to the mainstream

In the past, a severe shortcoming of renewables has been that they are intermittent: the power stays on only as long as the wind blows or the sun shines; if the wind blows too hard, the turbines must stop turning in order not to overload the grid. Newer and more efficient storage techniques are changing the equation. It is now possible to store excess power and tap into it during periods of power shortage. This article outlines some of the many technologies employed.
Nuclear Power Plant

3D printing for the nuclear industry

The U.S. Department of Energy has announced that GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) has been selected to lead a USD 2 million additive manufacturing research project. GEH will lead the project by producing sample replacement parts in corrosion resistant alloys for nuclear power plants.
Magnum in Eemshaven

Storing renewable energy as ammonia

It’s currently impossible to store large quantities of energy produced by wind and solar power. In the Netherlands in times of over-supply the energy is sold off cheaply; in times of need gas-powered plants must make up the deficit.

ISO 50001 certification for BUTTING

In February 2015, BUTTING gained ISO 50001 certification for the first time for successful systematic energy management.