Stolt Offshore SA has announced the award of two contracts to the Stolt Halliburton Joint Venture for pipeline repairs in Norway. One of these is from Statoil and the other from Norsk
Hydro. This joint venture was originally formed in 1995 for servicing the Statoil Hyperbaric Welding and Diving Services Contingency Contract and renewed in July 2000 for five years. The first contract is for pipeline repairs on the Aasgard field for Statoil and is valued at USD 100 million. Ships owned by both Stolt Offshore and Halliburton Subsea will be used on this project which commences in mid October and is expected to be completed in April 2002.
The second contract is for pipeline repairs on the Tune field pipeline for Norsk Hydro and is valued at USD 6 million. This contract will use the pipeline repair system owned by the Statpipe Licence and the Oseberg Transporation System and administered by Statoil. The repair programme will be undertaken in parallel with the Aasgard field repair work.