Qingdao Iron and Steel, based in Qingdao, Shandong province, China, has placed an order with SMS group to supply a special bar quality (SBQ) rolling mill. The mill has an annual production capacity of 700,000 tons of special steel.
SMS is supplying the plant’s core technology, including an up-to-date 3-roll sizing block of type Precision Sizing Mill (PSM®) 380/5, which is capable of rolling all finished dimensions from 16mm to 90mm in diameter. The hydraulic adjustment under load system enables the manufacture of all dimensions even small batch sizes. The 3-roll PSM® is equipped with a MEERgauge® cross-section measuring system and ‘monitor control technology’. This allows corrections to be made to the finished dimensions while production is still ongoing.
The plant was specially designed for the temperature-controlled rolling of bars. The ultra-modern cooling sections, five-stand 3-roll PSM customised cooling processes and high cross-sectional reduction capability supports the production of high-quality products with excellent mechanical properties and narrow tolerances at the same time.
The full package of supplies and services is rounded off by the Controlled Cooling Technology (CCT) system, which was developed by SMS and is used to adjust and control the requisite cooling processes. Commissioning is scheduled for the third quarter of 2015.