Orbimatic give added value

Orbimatic GmbH, who manufacture orbital tube and pipe welding equipment, has enhanced their service package in the UK to give what the company believes is an un-matched commercial and technical package to customers in the UK.
One major introduction is the implementation of a range of professionally constructed and structured training packages. The engineers who carry out this training have been involved in the training of a large proportion of the UK’s population of operators of automatic welders and have a very strong background covering a wide range of applications and materials. Orbimatic engineers experience is not just limited to orbital welding equipment but covers a wide range of processes and applications. Another new service is the ‘Welding Clinic’ which allows customers to get impartial advice from a fully qualified engineer who can explain all options and make a final recommendation on the correct equipment for their application, even if this type of equipment is not supplied by Orbimatic themselves. Steve Purnell from Orbimatic’s UK Office said ‘this approach gives customers a contact who will give factually founded advice and they will not just make the application fit our equipment’. Mr Purnell went on to explain ‘Orbimatic have built their reputation on recommending the right equipment for the job, even if this means we cannot supply them. We are better having a happy potential future customer than an unhappy current customer’.

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