Metabo: new slicer

Metabo Corporation, a manufacturer of professional grade portable electric power tools and abrasives for industrial, construction and welding applications, now offers new aluminium oxide Type 1 Slicer-Plus high-performance wheels that provide increased cutting speed and minimal burr when cutting heavier gauge metals. The Slicer-Plus is a 045″ thick rigid cutting wheel coated with a very aggressive fine grit, making it suitable for cutting heavy-duty materials such as rebar, large diameter rods, and stainless steel. Available in 4-1/2″ and 6″ versions, the wheels employ an improved abrasive/resin formulation that increases wheel life by up to 300% over previous blends and provides for faster and more cost-efficient metal cutting. Additionally, the new Slicer-Plus wheels are specially formulated to leave no contaminants behind, such as sulphur, carbon or chlorine, that could impact a weld. The slicer wheels in the Choice Cuts family span a broad range of applications from general purpose to larger diameter metals and stainless steels.

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