Kårstø job for Kellogg

Statoil has awarded a contract worth some NOK 650 million for engineering as well as procurement and construction support at Kårstø, north of Stavanger, to M.W. Kellogg. Placed on behalf of Kårstø operator Gassco, the job relates to expansion work at this treatment complex to receive and process gas from Statoil’s Kristin development in the North Sea. The contract runs until October 2005, when the construction project is due to be completed in time for Kristin to begin gas production on the first day of that month. Output from the field will be piped to Kårstø through the existing Šsgard Transport trunkline. Gas from Statoil’s Mikkel field in the Norwegian Sea is also due to be processed at Kårstø when production begins on 1 October next year. CONTACT: (Statoil media): Wenche Skorge, +47 51 99 79 17, mobile +47 91 87 07 41.

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