Orbimatic (UK) Ltd, the manufacturer of orbital TIG welding equipment, have assisted a manufacturer of stainless steel hot water cylinders in coping with a massive upturn in production. Two Orbimatic orbital welding systems each with twin switching units and two weld heads have been introduced to help with the production for the welding of bosses to heating coils, fittings to inlet tubes, fittings to overflow pipes and for the welding of bosses for thermostat and immersion heater coils to the side of the cylinder. Each system consisted of an Orbimat 165CB computerised power supply, Orbitwin dual weld head switching unit and two Orbiweld 76S Weld Heads. Both systems are used in a high production mode. The use of the Orbitwin switching unit allows two different weld configurations to be welded simultaneously and eliminates the need for frequent tool changes. The Orbitwin can be configured with two completely different weld procedures and detects which weld head is being activated, it then transfers all services to that weld head and selects the appropriate weld procedure. With the new Orbitwin, one weld head can be unloaded/loaded while the other one is welding.