The Welding Institute (TWI) has made available on its website free information on defects that may occur in arc welds. The aim is to help welders, welding engineers, inspectors and designers meet quality requirements. Types of defect/imperfection covered in this area of the website include: incomplete root susion or penetration; lack of sidewall and inter-run fusion; porosity; slag inclusions; solidification cracking; hydrogen cracking; lamellar tearing; and reheat cracking. Aided by photographs and diagrams, the characteristic features and main causes of each defect type are described. Guidelines are included on best practice for minimising the risk of occurrence during fabrication. Free, additional technical information on a broad range of welding and joining-related subjects, covering all engineering materials, can be accessed by registered users of TWI’s website. Registration is free of charge and available immediately after completing a simple, on-screen form.