Featured Story

Our Featured Story archive is a collection of the Featured Story’s which have been published in our magazine and taken pride of place as the ‘unique feature article’ on our Stainless Steel World home page. In addition to industry updates, market news and topical issues of the day the Feature Story provides an interesting mix of company profiles, in-depth technical articles, reports from major end users and features projects in a variety of industries ranging from oil & gas, chemical and petrochemical to the architecture, power generation, medical and food and beverage industries.

3D-printed stainless bridge

3D-printed stainless bridge a success

In April a ground-breaking stainless steel 3D printing project reached a major milestone with the successful completion of the bridge span section of a fully functional 3D printed bridge in Amsterdam.
Dr. Jazmin Duarte did atom probe tomography measurements to characterize the sample and see the oxide distribution. Photo @ Max-Planck- Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH

Nanostructured alloying with oxygen

Scientists from the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung (MPIE), the Austrian Erich Schmid Institute of Material Science, the Universities Leoben and Graz (Austria) and the Chinese Hubei University analysed in-situ copper-iron alloys during annealing to find out when and how oxide is formed and how it can be used to strengthen nanocrystalline materials.
The Dow site in Stade

“Knowledge sharing is key” An interview with Dow’s leading materials expert

In addition to his role as Global Improvement Leader Materials Engineering Discipline at Dow, the world’s largest chemical company, David Barber has taken on the challenge of Chairing Duplex World 2018. With a wealth of handson metallurgical experience built up over nearly 30 years, David is as at ease solving corrosion issues on-site as he is fielding questions on specifications and lifecycle costs.
Figure 1. Hybrid Steel maintains high strength at elevated temperatures. Strain rate 0.00025s-1

Hybrid Steel opens up new design possibilities

Jan-Erik Andersson, Ovako’s Senior Group Technical Specialist, explains how the high-tech steel producer’s innovative Hybrid Steel® family is opening up new possibilities to achieve exceptional performance in highly stressed components while also offering the potential for enhanced corrosion resistance.
Rhodium powder pressed melted

Metal powders: a niche to watch!

Despite product developments and vast investments around the world, the metal powder industry has not yet really taken off, nor have the sceptics been satisfied. Acknowledging that this is a technology for which home-grown expertise is essential for competitiveness, many countries are developing a powder metallurgy industry. As a result developments can be seen almost on a daily basis in every region of the world.
Spot welding cell at a Volvo factory in China. Photo: ABB.

Smarter, bigger, faster, safer: how welding technology is meeting the challenges of the twenty-first...

Welding has the image of being a down-to-earth, hands-on activity, but a lot rides on it in terms of safety, both to plant and to personnel. A skills shortage makes the task of training enough welders more urgent. This is where technology comes in: the welding tools being developed today are smarter, (sometimes) bigger, faster and safer than before. More ergonomic tools and robotics will go a long way towards filling the skills gap.
Neste refinery at Porvoo

Communications: a ‘must-have’ tool for a materials engineer

SSW first had the pleasure of meeting Material and Inspection Specialist Mrs. Sari Musch in September 2015 when visiting the Neste refinery at Porvoo, Finland. There, in the company’s central office, she kindly outlined some of her work related to stainless steels. Two years later, SSW found it high time for a return trip to Finland to catch up with Mrs. Musch and her many and varied projects.
Solid endless stainless belts in medical & pharmaceutical applications

Solid endless stainless belts in medical & pharmaceutical applications

Traditionally, the medical and pharmaceutical industries have been highly conservative and regulated environments where changes in material take inordinate amounts of time, primarily driven by the proclivity to corrosion of those materials. Due to their nature and specific applications, devices designed for medical or pharmaceutical uses must meet extremely demanding design and manufacturing criteria.
Rig at the Duvernay Formation. Copyright © Encana Corporation. All rights reserved.

“Them thar rocks”: shale gas holds its own in a difficult market

Despite the dip in oil and gas prices, things are going remarkably well in the shale gas sector. Although there have been layoffs and bankruptcies, the demand for natural gas is increasing, and this rising tide is lifting shale in North America and other countries throughout the world. New technologies make the sector more competitive, which is good news for all suppliers to the sector and will stimulate related industries such as water treatment and desalination.
Photo ©TechnipFMC

Working with CRAs in the subsea, offshore, and onshore industries

FMC Technologies and Technip came together in January 2017 to form TechnipFMC, a company dedicated to improving the performance of the world’s energy industry. A global leader in oil and gas projects, technologies, systems, and services, TechnipFMC is divided into three business segments: subsea, onshore/ offshore, and surface. The company employs more than 40,000 people across 48 countries.