EuroChem, a global fertilizer company, announced that it has surpassed 350,000 tonnes of ammonia production at its new EuroChem Northwest facility in Kingisepp, Russia.
The USD1B facility was formally opened at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in June and hailed as the most advanced and efficient ammonia production plant in the world.
EuroChem Northwest has an annual design capacity of 1 MT that will more than meet the Group’s internal needs, with the excess being sold to customers worldwide.
EuroChem Northwest incorporates the latest production technology, including KBR’s proprietary Purifier™ Ammonia Process. Sensitive to local environmental concerns, the plant was built on a brownfield site, and care was taken to minimize the impact on the surrounding areas. The facility features a closed water recycling system to prevent effluent discharges into the nearby Luga River, which flows into the Baltic Sea in the Gulf of Finland.