Titanium’s new start

During 2003 F.W. Hempel & Co. (Oberhausen Germany) and Deutsche Titan GmbH (Essen, Germany) decided to terminate their agreement on distributing Deutsche Titan Flat rolled mill products from stock. F.W. Hempel took advantage of this opportunity to integrate other members of the Hempel Special Metals Group in their international titanium distribution strategy to make a better selection of materials from competitive, high-quality producers of plate and sheet. As from today the group can offer a full range of plate and sheet in Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 7 originating from their new partners. Plate and sheet can be supplied from stock and from new production. Using our quality assured sources and our ISO 9001:2000 quality management systems ensures that supplies from stock meet the customer’s quality and service requirements every time. The Hempel Service Centers in Oberhausen, Germany (F.W. Hempel & Co. Ges. für Spezial- und Rostfrei Metalle mbH), Dübendorf, Switzerland (Firth AG) and Finchampstead, UK (Airco Metals) can supply cut plate and sheet according to customer’s drawings, and also bars, wire, profiles and tubes in titanium.

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