XRF product from Thermo ARL

Thermo ARL, a Thermo Electron business, has introduced its latest WDXRF product. Named the ARL OPTIM’X, the system is designed for optimum analytical performance in specific applications. It is targeted for the following applications and markets: petrochemical industry (refineries in particular) for the analysis of S and Pb according to ISO14596 and
ASTM D2622; major and minor oxides in raw materials such as limestone, sand, bauxite, and other mining areas; major and minor oxides in products such as sanitary ceramics, refractories, slags, and sinters; food industry for mineral nutrients; painting, paper, metal sheets, and other products where a few major and minor elements need to be
monitored. The instrument does not require any water-cooling system (internal or external) and can be configured with sealed detectors to also remove the dependence on an external gas supply. Solids, liquids, and loose powders can be introduced manually or automatically and analysed.

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