World Steel Association recognition for Gerdau

Gerdau received the Safety and Health Excellence Recognition 2013 award that evaluates occupational health and safety programmes implemented in the steel industry at the 47th annual conference of the World Steel Association. This is the fourth time that Gerdau receives this recognition.

This time, Gerdau won the award for its “Handbook on Behavioral Management in Occupational Safety” released in 2012. The handbook presents the company’s best practices of behavioural management for occupational safety consolidated from experiences developed in Gerdau units worldwide. Gerdau is one of the main suppliers of special long steel in the world. It is the largest recycler in Latin America and in the world. It has industrial operations in 14 countries, which together represent an installed capacity of over 25Mt of steel per year.

The 47th Annual Conference of the World Steel Association brought together the leading companies in the steel sector and took place in October at São Paulo.

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