Following local unrest, Ganjam district administration in Orissa, India, has ordered stoppage of civil construction work of the INR 2000 crore integrated titanium project coming up near Chhatrapur in Ganjam district. The integrated titanium plant is being set up by the Titanium Products Private Ltd, a JV company of Kolkata based Saraf Agencies and Russian government. The district administration issued the order to the company authorities after a clash erupted between two groups of people in Kanamana village over the labour engagement in the land leveling work recently. At least five persons were injured and three vehicles were damaged in the incident. Titanium Products Private Ltd has acquired about 250 acres at Kanamana, Sriramchandrapur and Tiikiria Berhampur villages near Chhatrapur for the plant to produce about 40,000tns per annum of titanium dioxide. The land comprises 200 acres of private and 52.66 acres of government land. Meanwhile, the people of these four villages urged the district administration to allow the company to start construction work.