VolgaHydro opens a new production plant in Russia

On 26th June 2019, the Voith subsidiary VolgaHydro opened ceremonially its new production plant in Balakovo, Russia. The new facility will produce and assemble components for hydro-power plant turbines. Furthermore, the activities will include maintenance services and supplying equipment to large and small hydropower plants. The total investment for the project amounts to 2.5 billion Russian ruble. Around 100 new workplaces have been created within the plant in the Saratov Region, which is located 800 km southeasterly of Moscow, Russia. In the future, it is planned to increase the number to 200 people.

The first major contract for the new plant in Balakovo includes the production of components for eight Kaplan turbines for the Russian hydropower plant Saratov. The facility is located around 160 km northerly of Saratov. It is one of the largest regional power objects and an important cornerstone for the reliable supply of power to the Saratov region. The project for the Balakovo plant is planned to be completed by 2025.

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