V-ZUG uses Outokumpu Circle Green® in its production

Outokumpu has teamed up with V-ZUG to establish agreements for the delivery of the world’s pioneering towards-zero stainless steel. Utilizing Outokumpu Circle Green®, components of the V-ZUG Dishwasher inner part will be manufactured. Notably, V-ZUG will become the inaugural Swiss home appliance company to integrate Outokumpu Circle Green into its production processes. This collaboration underscores the shared commitment of both entities to ambitious climate targets and aims to expedite the green transition within the home appliance sector.

The inception of Circle Green production marked a global milestone, as no other stainless steel manufacturer had achieved such remarkably low emission levels across the entire production chain. To create Circle Green, which boasts a carbon footprint up to 93% lower, Outokumpu employs 100% low-carbon electricity, incorporates low-carbon raw materials like recycled steel, and innovates production processes.

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