Two new CD-Roms from EPMA

The European Powder Metallurgy Association has released the ninth edition of its International Powder Metallurgy Directory in CD format, and Powder Metallurgy: Materials, Processes and Applications, a comprehensive guide to powder metallurgy, on CD-Rom. The CD-Rom format provides a database of over 3000 companies involved in the PM industry throughout the world. Each entry includes full contact information and a listing of their products and services. The database can be searched by product, service, country or via a keyword. Powder Metallurgy: Materials, Processes and Applications is a new CD-Rom providing a complete course on powder metallurgy. Written by a multi-national group of widely respected PM experts and funded through the European Union’s Leonardo da Vinci programme, the course is intended for both students and engineers and will reinforce knowledge gained from educational courses and from working life.

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