TWI appoints Yanhui Zhang and Farshad Salamat-Zadeh

TWI announced the appointment of two new TWI Technology Fellows – Dr Yanhui Zhang and Dr Farshad Salamat-Zadeh.

Yanhui joined TWI in 2001 and has a background in metallurgy, with expertise in fatigue design and testing, fatigue life evaluation, engineering critical assessment and failure investigation. He is also a Chartered Engineer, Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM), and Fellow of the Welding Institute (FWeldI). He has published about 70 papers in international journals and conferences, and is a panel member of several standard committees including BS 7910, BS 7608 and BS ISE/101/06.

Farshad is TWI’s lead failure investigator for non-metallic materials and has a wealth of experience in B2B, consultancy and project management, dealing with materials engineering, joining and manufacturing issues across a range of industries. Farshad is also a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Welding Institute as well as the training course coordinator and tutor for its ‘Welding of Moulded Plastic Components’ and ‘Adhesive Bonding Technology’ training courses.

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