Termomeccanica Pompe specializes in designing and manufacturing engineered pump solutions customized to each customer’s project.
The proposed solutions can be highly integrated since the brand can offer complete pumping systems inclusive of all the components critical to their operation. This system integration capability brings a key benefit to customers: from design to maintenance.
Each pump skid was composed of a horizontal between bearings, radially split API 610 BB5-type pump in super-duplex material, an electric motor, and two auxiliary sealing systems plan 53B with forced air cooling, refilled by a single automatic top-up unit.
The main reason Termomeccanica Pompe’s products were chosen was the capacity to supply additional auxiliary systems located outside of the main pump skids. Integration was vital to ensuring maximum flexibility and optimization of the water injection service in the field: the API 614 lube oil system unit with API 661 forced air coolers; the logic and control of the main parameters of the equipment; a 24-pulse frequency converter in accordance with Shell DEP specifications; and an oil-cooled transformer with input voltage to the primary winding of 33 kV.