Tenova was awarded two contracts by Tenaris for its mill in Dalmine (Italy).
The Dalmine project is divided into three phases, two of which will be supplied by Tenova. The first phase consists of a state-of-the-art melt shop ladle furnace. The ladle furnace will be used for the secondary metallurgical treatment of the liquid steel.
The second project phase will consist of a Tenova’s designed and supplied heat treatment furnace to charge very large bars with a length of 12 meters and is equipped with self-recuperative burners.
Tenova self-recuperative burners provide energy savings and play a significant role in reducing CO2 emission levels in steelmaking plants. In addition, Tenova burner flameless technology produces the lowest NOx emission level. Their features are optimal thermal uniformity, extended combustion stability, advanced control technology, low maintenance costs, and continuous product evolution.
With this investment, Dalmine will produce high-grade special steel resistant to corrosion in carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide environments.
Tenova’s equipment will start production within H1 2022.