Tag: Viraj Profiles Limited

Viraj launches Piercer Mill at the Seamless Pipe Plant

Viraj launches Piercer Mill at the Seamless Pipe Plant

Viraj Profiles Limited has inaugurated its advanced Piercer Mill at the new Seamless Pipe Plant

Siemens wins AOD converter supply order

Siemens VAI Metals Technologies has won an order from Viraj Profiles Limited to supply an argon oxygen decarburization converter for its plant in Tarapur, Maharashtra. The new converter will allow the company to increase the stainless steel output required for its rolling mills.

Siemens VAI to supply rolling mill for stainless

Siemens VAI Metals Technologies (Siemens) is constructing a new rolling mill for stainless steel bar and light profiles in India for Viraj Profiles Limited (Viraj Profiles). As per the agreement, Siemens will design, engineer and deliver mechanical, electrical and automation equipment. The value of the order is estimated in the double digit million Euro range.