Tag: TWI

Stephen Kinnock MP supports business initiatives

TWI Wales recently welcomed Stephen Kinnock, MP for Aberavon to its Technology Centre at Harbourside Business Park, Port Talbot.

TWI appoints new Operations Director

TWI has recently appointed one of the world-leading experts on friction welding, Dr Mike Russell, as its Operations Director.

TWI welds ODS steel

TWI, one of the world’s foremost independent research and technology organisations, with expertise in materials joining and engineering processes as applied in industry, has successfully joined a type of steel alloy, which was earlier considered to be an impossibility using conventional fusion methods.

TWI wins NDA innovation award

TWI’s laser experts have been recognised by the UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority with a prestigious award for the successful introduction of a new technology to decommission radioactive metal storage containers.

Global launch of a new 3D printing initiative

Lloyd’s Register Energy and TWI launched a joint industry project (JIP) on additive manufacturing. Called ‘Certification of laser powder additive manufactured components for industrial adoption in the energy and offshore sectors’, the event attracted considerable interest from companies worldwide. Sponsors of this JIP will be able to gain early adoption of ‘approved’ additive manufacturing practices for their products.

Sir Terry Matthews tours TWI Technology Centre

Swansea Bay City Region recently chose TWI Technology Centre (Wales) in Port Talbot as host venue for a recent meeting of its Board.

Stainless fabrication workshop

The British Stainless Steel Association (BSAA) in conjunction with TWI and Outokumpu Stainless is holding a fabrication workshop on 21 October 2008 at the Brerarly Centre, Outokumpu, in Sheffield, UK.

Free advice on welding

The Welding Institute (TWI) has made available on its website free information on defects that may occur in arc welds.