Tag: TWI

TWI uses AM transition pieces for dissimilar welds

TWI uses AM transition pieces for dissimilar welds

There are a number of industrial applications that use transitions between dissimilar metals where joining is of the utmost importance.
radio-frequency cavity

Particle accelerator set to break new ground

The Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility and Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment is dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of particles called neutrinos. The largest particle physics project ever built in the United States is now working with the UK-based TWI to develop the crucial cryomodules at the heart of the accelerator containing high purity niobium components.
TWI recommissions an RFW machine for use on projects

TWI recommissions an RFW machine for use on projects

TWI has recommissioned a rotary friction welding (RFW) machine for use on future projects. The machine had previously been used to join thin-walled tube casings as well as for demonstrations.
Secondment to develop welding of new Duplex SS

Secondment to develop welding of new Duplex SS

Following a series of interactions with Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corp. (NSSMC), TWI is pleased to announce the secondment of Mr Kenta Yamada, at TWI laboratories in Cambridge.

TWI launches new NORSOK M-650 certification

TWI Certification Ltd has launched a new third-party Certification of Manufacture of Special Materials (CMSM) to allow companies to show compliance with the requirements of NORSOK M-650.
TWI advanced electron beam facilities

TWI advanced electron beam facilities

TWI’s Electron Beam (EB) welding and processing facilities have developed in line with industry needs, with newer equipment and additional capabilities now available to further support its Industrial Member base.
TWI is in collaborative project to promote AM

TWI is in collaborative project to promote AM

The increased design freedom and potential to reduce manufacturing time has made additive manufacturing (AM) technology an area of great interest to industry.
TWI working on ModuLase project

TWI working on ModuLase project

TWI is working alongside a number of project partners as part of the Factories of the Future public-private partnership to develop a highly flexible, modular, re-configurable laser process head capable of covering welding, cladding and cutting.
Dr Christoph Wiesner awarded OBE

Dr Christoph Wiesner awarded OBE

TWI has recently announced that its Chief Executive Dr Christoph Wiesner has been recognised in the New Year’s Honours List with an OBE for Services to Engineering and Innovation.

TWI launches collaborative project

TWI has recently launched a collaborative project that will accelerate research in laser welding of titanium and help secure the UK’s place at the forefront of aerospace technology innovation.