Tag: Shell
Shell to sell stake in MacKenzie Gas Project
Royal Dutch Shell Plc (RDSA) plans to sell its 11.4% stake in a long-stalled, CAD 16.2 billion natural-gas production and pipeline project in Canada's far north, in addition to its other assets in the region.
Shell signs agreements for CCS project
Shell has signed agreements with the Governments of Alberta and Canada to secure USD 865 million in funding for its Quest Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Project in Canada. The Quest Project will capture and permanently store deep underground more than one million tonnes of CO2 per year
Shell to move forward with Floating LNG
The Board of Royal Dutch Shell plc (Shell) has made the final investment decision on the Prelude Floating Liquefied Natural Gas (FLNG) Project in Australia; the company will build the world's first FLNG facility. Moored some 200km from the closest land in Australia, the FLNG facility will produce gas from offshore fields
Shell to sell majority of Chile downstream unit
Shell has agreed to sell most of its downstream business in Chile to Quiñenco for a total value of approximately USD 614 million. Under a separate contract, Quiñenco has also been appointed as a Macro Distributor to market, sell and distribute Shell branded lubricants in Chile; they will become the delivery service provider for Shell Marine Products' international customers in the country.
Shell to sell stakes
Shell has announced that it intends to sell its stakes in four Brazilian offshore blocks, including a field in the vast deepwater subsalt region. The company will sell its stakes in the BS-4, BM-S-8, BM-S-45 and BM-ES-28 blocks, which have investments
Shell invest in biofuels
Shell and Cosan plan to form a circa USD 12 billion joint venture in Brazil for the production of ethanol, sugar and power, and the supply, distribution and retail of transportation fuels.
Iraq: oil field development
Shell and ExxonMobil have won a deal to redevelop another of Iraq's huge oil fields.
New Shell CEO plans reorganization
According to Shell critic John Donovan, the new CEO of Royal Dutch Shell, Peter Voser, who will take over from Jeroen van der Veer as Chief Executive Officer on 1st July 2009, has announced plans for a major reorganization of the company, with more than 30% of senior managers and directors being axed.
Russia looking to sue Shell
Russia may sue Royal Dutch Shell’s Sakhalin group in international courts to claim billions of dollars in damages or even scrap the USD 22 billion production sharing deal, a Russian official said on 14 November 2006.
Australia: LNG development plans
Melbourne-based oil and gas group Nexus Energy has shot to record levels after a deal with Shell to develop a LNG project in the Browse Basin of Western Australia.