Tag: refinery

Refinery in Port-Jerome, France

Foster Wheeler France SA has won a contract from Esso Societé Anonyme Française for the main part of the EPCm phase of the PJ21 project for its Port-Jerome Gravenchon refinery in Normandy, France.

Spanish refinery

Foster Wheeler Iberia has won a contract to provide engineering, purchasing and construction services for BP's new generation fuels project at its Castellon refinery in Spain.

India boosts refinery capacity

India's state-owned refining and marketing firm Bharat Petroleum Corp. plans to expand the capacity of its Bombay refinery to 12 million metric tons a year from 6.90 million tons by October 2004.

Clean fuels at Texas refinery

Chicago Bridge & Iron Company NV, through its subsidiary Howe-Baker International, has won a contract from Valero Energy Corporation to design and build a 53,000 bpd gasoline desulpuhrisation unit at Valero's 243,000 bpd refinery in Texas City, Texas, USA.

Jacobs wins BP Texas refinery project

Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. will provide construction services for BP's fluid catalytic cracking unit (FCCU) motorisation project at BP's refinery in Texas City, Texas.

Foster Wheeler wins Dutch award

Foster Wheeler Italiana SpA has been awarded a contract by Kuwait Petroleum Europoort for the revamp of a vacuum unit and some hydrodesulphurisation units at its refinery at Europoort, near Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Trinidad and Tobago approve refinery plans

Plans for a USD 2 billion export refinery with capacity of 224,000 bpd have been approved by the government of Trinidad and Tobago.

Fluor wins refinery contract

Fluor Corporation has been chosen to perform engineering, procurement and construction services on a refinery upgrade project in Ferndale, Washington, USA.

CB&I wins clean fuels project

Valero Energy Corporation (San Antonio, Texas, USA) has awarded Howe-Baker Engineers Ltd (a subsidiary of Chicago Bridge & Iron Company NV) a contract to design and build a 25,000 barrel per day CCR (Continuous Catalytic Regeneration) Platformer(TM) and associated facilities at Valero's 195,000 BPD refinery in Paulsboro, NJ, USA.

Texas refinery revamp

Cyntech Fuels of Chambers County LLC has awarded a contract to Eagle-Pro Engineering Inc. of Beaumont, Texas, USA, for the renovation and construction activities of the hydrocarbon processing facility in Mt. Belvieu, Texas.