Lake Maracaibo project completed

PDVSA, Roffco and IMR Global Supply Ltd have recently completed the first ever project to replace large diameter steel oil pipelines with flexible oil lines, using PDVSA’s production units in Lake Maracaibo.

New refinery in Ecuador

Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa has announced that Venezuela’s state-owned oil company, PDVSA, and Ecuador-based Petroecuador have signed a Memorandum of Intent in order to build a new refinery in the coastal province of Manabi, NE Ecuador.

Brazil: Abreu e Lima oil refinery

The state-owned energy company Petrobras and Venezuela-based PDVSA have received a preliminary license granted by Brazil’s NE Pernambuco state government to build the Abreu e Lima oil refinery, which is in its development stage and will be located in the Suape industrial complex, Ipojuca, Brazil.

Venezuela to develop LNG project

Venezuela has signed an agreement with an Anglo-Dutch company and another firm from Japan to start developing a USD 2.7 billion liquefied natural gas (LNG) project which aims to make the oil-rich nation a net gas exporter by 2007.

PDVSA to begin drilling project

PDVSA is set to begin offshore oil exploration near Venezuela's border with Trinidad and Tobago.

Kvaerner wins contracts worth USD 6.5 million

Kvaerner has been awarded two contracts worth more than USD 36.5 million.

Ipiranga plans naphtha refinery

Grupo Ipiranga is intending to construct a refinery in Brazil in partnership with the Venezuelan PDVSA.

Stat Oil Eyes Natural Gas Venture

Norway's Stat Oil is interested in moving into natural gas production in Venezuela and looking for the right moment to work jointly with state-run Petróleos de Venezuela , PDVSA