Tag: liquefied natural gas
Taipower’s contract
At least three local companies are competing for a natural gas supply contract worth 400 billion Taiwan dollars to be offered by the state-run Taiwan Power Co. (Taipower).
Timor Sea treaty
Australia and East Timor will sign an agreement Thursday on a ASD 50 billion project to develop oil and gas reserves in the Timor Sea.
LNG train in Oman
Foster Wheeler Ltd has announced that Chiyoda-Foster Wheeler and Company LLC has been awarded a contract by the government of Oman for the detailed engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of a new liquefied natural gas (LNG) train at Qalhat, near Sur, Oman.
Bonney Island expansion
Chicago Bridge & Iron Company NV, in consortium with Bilfinger Berger AG of Germany, will provide civil and mechanical erection services to Nigeria LNG Ltd's liquefied natural gas (LNG) complex at Finima on Bonny Island, Nigeria.
Venezuela to develop LNG project
Venezuela has signed an agreement with an Anglo-Dutch company and another firm from Japan to start developing a USD 2.7 billion liquefied natural gas (LNG) project which aims to make the oil-rich nation a net gas exporter by 2007.
LNG terminal for southern Italy
The BG Group (Reading, UK) has gained approval to construct and operate a USD 330 million liquefied natural gas (LNG) import terminal in Brindisi port, on the SE coast of Italy.
In Amenas gas project
BP PLC (BP) and Algeria's state-run oil and natural gas concern Sonatrach will begin
development of the huge In Amenas gas fields in SE Algeria in early 2003.
Posco to build first local LNG terminal
Posco Co. will build a LNG (liquefied natural gas) terminal in Gwangyang, becoming the first local private company to construct such a facility.
Iran: joint gas and oil project
According to The Tehran Times, a development plan for joint gas and oil fields has been put on the agenda by the Oil Ministry.
Timor Sea gas development
Phillips Petroleum Company, parent of Darwin LNG Pty Ltd and other Australian affiliates, has signed an agreement that enables it and its co-venturers to move ahead with the gas development of the Bayu-Undan project in the Timor Sea.