Tag: liquefied natural gas

MOL forms Indonesian LNG manning firm

MOL forms Indonesian LNG manning firm

Japan’s shipping giant MOL and PT MCS International have established a new liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier manning company in Indonesia.

InterOil, Noble sign HOA for LNG

InterOil Corp. and Pacific LNG Operations Ltd. have signed a Heads of Agreement (HOA) with Noble Clean Fuels Limited, for the supply of one million tonnes per annum (mtpa) of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) from the Gulf LNG Project in Papua New Guinea.

China: natural gas reserve projects

The National Energy Administration is now conducting a research project to build underground reserves for liquefied natural gas and natural gas and a batch of natural gas reserve projects will start construction soon.

USA: Freeport LNG terminal

Technip, in joint venture with Zachry Construction Corporation and Saipem, a contract for a new LNG receiving terminal near Freeport, Texas, USA.

Quatargas II offshore EPC contract

Technip, jointly with the National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC), will be in charge of the EPC contract for the offshore facilities of the Qatargas II LNG plant expansion project (Qatargas II).

Algeria: LNG contracts

Repsol YPF and Gas Natural SDG have been awarded the joint exploration, production, and marketing of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in east Algeria.

Nigeria: LNG expansion

The NNPC/Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) joint venture has awarded a contract for the implementation of the Soku Integrated Gas Supply Development project in Nigeria.

Sabine Pass LNG terminal

Cheniere Energy has said that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has issued the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for its proposed Sabine Pass liquefied natural gas receiving terminal and associated pipeline.

Nigeria: LNG pipeline

Daewoo Engineering & Construction (E&C) will build a liquefied natural gas (LNG) pipeline in Nigeria for USD 95.73 million.

CB&A receive follow-on award

CB&I has announced the award of a contract for an additional LNG storage tank at the natural gas liquefaction plant and export terminal under construction at Prigorodnoye on Aniva Bay, Sakhalin Island, Russia.