Tag: Linde AG
Hungarian contract for Linde
Linde AG, Wiesbaden, has been awarded by the Hungarian petrochemical company Tiszai Vegyi Kombinát Rt. (TVK) a contract worth approximately EUR 160 million for an
ethylene plant at Tiszaújváros in the NE of Hungary.
New CEO for Linde AG
The Supervisory Board of Linde AG has appointed Dr Wolfgang Reitzle (53), effective on 10 May 2002, as a member of its Executive Board and effective 1 January 2003, as the
CEO of the Linde Group.
BOC and Linde to combine operations
BOC has reached agreement with Linde AG to combine its process plant business based in Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA, with Linde's process plant operation based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.