Tag: Hermann Butting

Winner of the Entrepreneur Award 38: Hermann Butting

Winner of the Entrepreneur Award 38: Hermann Butting

At the end of September, the "Entrepreneur Award for Region 38" was presented in Brunswick, Germany. This year, the coveted award went to Hermann Butting, President and Sole partner of BUTTING.

HRS Wesendorf and BUTTING celebrate

On 19 December 2003 the head teacher Ursula Kreft and BUTTING managing director Hermann Butting signed a cooperation agreement to set up a close cooperation between the Haupt- und Realschule/Europaschule Wesendorf (HRS) (General Secondary School/Intermediate Secondary School/Europe School Wesendorf, HRS) and the stainless steel processing company in Knesebeck.

Hermann Butting receives KCF Award

On 26 February 2009, Hermann Butting was awarded Prize for Christian Managers in Düsseldorf, along with two other managers, Jürg Opprecht from Berne and Manuela Strohofer from Geiselwind.