Tag: heat exchanger

Microprocessor-controlled power

The Arc Machines, Inc. Model 207 is a 100/150 amp pre-programmed / programmable power supply and controller capable of welding tubing and thin wall pipe.

Leslie Controls’ Constantemp Heater

Leslie Controls' Constantemp Steam Water Heaters provide instant hot water, always at the correct temperature.

Heat exchanger from Omniaplant

Omniaplant SRL (Caravaggio, Bergamo, Italy) has produced a “double-pipeâ€? heat exchanger for grape must (dimensions 7100 x 1200 x h 2200 mm), whose purpose is to lower the temperature of the product from + 27/28 °C to + 5/6 °C, using glycols at a temperature of 0.5 °C.