Tag: gas pipeline
Gulf pipeline contract
CSE-Servelec, based in Sheffield, UK, has won a contract to monitor and control a gas pipeline in the Gulf.
Japanese pipeline pact
Teikoku Oil Co. Ltd, Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd and Shizuoka Gas Co. Ltd have agreed to jointly build a 33km natural gas pipeline in Shizuoka prefecture.
Afghan oil and gas
Russian energy companies have agreed to help rebuild Afghanistan's devastated oil and gas industries.
Four firms vie for Chinese gas
General Electric Co, Alstom, Siemens AG and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries have been shortlisted to supply power generating equipment for 10 gas-fired power plants across China.
Four consortia in Jordan-Egypt pipeline bid
Four international consortia have bid for the construction of the Jordan-Egypt gas pipeline, a senior official has said.
Large power plant planned for Madrid
Gas Natural, the Spanish gas group, is studying the construction of a power station in Madrid to take advantage of the increasing demand for electricity in the region.
Abu Dhabi pipeline
According to local reports, Dolphin Energy Ltd (DEL) has plans to construct a gas pipeline, and is considering further investment in the UAE and Gulf gas sectors.
India–Myanmar gas pipeline
An international consortium proposes to set up a gas pipeline over Bangladesh connecting Myanmar with the Indian states of Tripura and West Bengal.
Algerian gas line
The construction of a USD 1.5 billion subsea gas pipeline to export power to Spain and a viability study on the establishment of a trans-Mediterranean electricity export link to Italy are included in the Algerian Energy Company's (AEC) plans for a portfolio of power projects for which it is looking to raise USD 12.2 billion.
East China Sea gas venture
China's CNOOC Ltd and Sinopec plan to start developing one of China's largest offshore natural gas fields next year - with or without foreign help.