Tag: emission control

AEP expands emission control efforts

American Electric Power (AEP) has announced plans to construct new emission control systems on Unit 1 and Unit 2 at the John E. Amos Plant at St Alban’s, West Virginia, USA.

US drive to curb emissions

US power plant operators will instal 110 pollution-control devices over the next decade, potentially spending more than USD 5 billion, to curb ground-level ozone levels in the eastern US, according to a new Energy Argus report based on exclusive data.

Open and closed case

The closed end blind rivet nut from Torque Control completes the metallic seal on enclosures of metal or screened plastics when totally surrounding EMI screen is needed, preventing emissions through fixing holes even when the screw is not in place.

Scrubbers for Kentucky station

Western Kentucky Energy will invest USD 70 million in Hancock County's Coleman Generating Station this year, when the company begins installing emission control equipment at the plant.

Investing in sulphur fund

An environmental fund has been established by Norway's process industry, including Statoil, to reduce Norwegian emissions of sulphur.